Last night, the Falls Church School Board unanimously approved and submitted its Advertised Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 to the City Manager. The budget complies with City Council guidance of 4.2%, down from last year’s 8.4%. This marks the fifth consecutive year the School Board has met City Council guidance.
The approved budget indicates an increase of $1,958,236 in local funding. At the same time, the addition of expected state and federal revenue brings the total budget to a 5.1% increase from the FY 2023 Approved Budget.
"We're proud to present a budget that aligns with the FCCPS Strategic Plan and provides our staff with the resources they need to succeed," said School Board Chair Laura Downs. "Our teachers and staff are critical to the success of our students, and we're committed to supporting them in every way possible."
The School Board’s Budget reflects a significant action in the FCCPS Strategic Plan, ‘Investing in Our People,’ which aims to ensure that FCCPS provides the best compensation and working conditions in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The compensation and benefits that most impact staff:
a STEP increase for all eligible employees,
a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all employees,
a $1,000 longevity bonus for those who are at the end of the salary scale and not eligible for the STEP,
six weeks of paid parental leave for employees who have a new child,
an increased payout of sick leave upon separation from FCCPS from ~$3/hr to ~$15/hr,
health rate adjustment for all eligible part-time employees to lower the employee-paid portion of the premium, and
increases the advanced academic teacher position at Oak Street Elementary to full-time.
The School Board conducted three budget work sessions and two public hearings before the final vote on last night’s budget. The Falls Church community can learn more about the budget on the FCCPS website —