Tiger Trail Sign

Oak Street Elementary Tiger Trail

Be Safe. Share the Road.

As students travel to and from school, pedestrians, bikers, buses, kiss & ride cars, employee cars, and commuter traffic are sharing the same sidewalks and roadways. Everyone needs to be alert and aware. It is our communal responsibility to keep all people safe

The Oak Street Elementary Tiger Trail:
The Tiger Trail include routes through parks and along well-traveled roads within the walk zone.

  • Ten recommended routes, encompassing all directions.

  • One parent drop-off and pick-up zone outside the school.

  • One bus area that will be closed to all other traffic during arrival and dismissal times.

  • Police Safety Aides located at key intersections to help students cross the street. 


  • Please make sure your Tiger knows and follows bike, scooter, and pedestrian safety laws.

  • There are several exits from the school.

  • Every family should make a dismissal plan so that parents and students know exactly where they will meet after school.

Pedestrians :

  • Always use sidewalks and crosswalks.

  • Tiger Trail routes are connected by sidewalks and crosswalks.

  • Pedestrians should be alert at all times, as they need to be aware of what is happening around them.

  • Look both ways before crossing the street!

Bike and Scooter Riders:

  • Please be alert to both cars and pedestrians.

  • When bike and scooter riders are in the crowded area closest to the school, they should walk the vehicle.

  • There are bike racks at the Oak Street entrance and the Seaton Lane entrance.

  • Look both ways before crossing the street!


  • Oak Street will be closed to all traffic except buses between Seaton Lane and Timber Lane during pick-up and drop-off.

  • No cars will be permitted to enter the area, although pedestrians will be able to use the sidewalk.

Car Traffic:

  • There is one Kiss & Ride zone for all grades. It is the loop into the parking lot on the Seaton Lane side of the school.

  • All students should be ready to exit the car on the passenger side upon arrival in the drop-off location.

  • Please be considerate of neighborhood traffic flow and other drivers in line.

  • Cars must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks and for buses that have their red lights blinking and stop-arm extended.

Avoid Traffic Congestion on Seaton Lane: 

  • Cars queuing at the Kiss & Ride should pull up to the entrance and form a single line, so that an exit lane is available.

  • If the line extends onto the street, drivers are asked to pull to the side so that through traffic can pass safely.

  • Cars exiting the Seaton Lane parking lot, should turn right onto Seaton Lane to exit the neighborhood.


  • When dropping students off and picking them up, please do not make u-turns on any street in the neighborhood.

  • The neighborhoods are crowded, and it makes it more dangerous for pedestrians, bikers, drivers and walkers.

Everyone, no matter their transportation mode, has the responsibility to be alert and follow traffic safety laws.