Investing in our People logo

Focus Area: Investing in Our People

In order to create a culture of excellence, FCCPS will invest in our employees by building structures that promote success and professional growth opportunities, cultivating intrinsic motivation and mutual reliance in a workplace culture that values every voice.

KEY ACTION: Leverage each staff member’s ability to contribute within their respective area of expertise through clear goal setting, reflective and timely two-way feedback, and ongoing collaboration.

Success Looks Like This

2022 Research

2023 Research

2024 Development

2025 Implementation

2026 Review & Refinement

Local History Curriculum

Curriculum developer performed research on what a Local History Curriculum would cover.

Twenty FCCPS staff members involved in the development of Inclusive Local History Program.

Local history lessons will be presented in an IB context, leveraging teachers' IB training.

Curriculum developers and pilot teachers given opportunity to extend their own learning, as the leaders of a new K-12 program.

Professional development and planning meeting set for November 2023.

VDOE grant awarded to further the development.

At FCCPS Convocation in August, Local History Video shared successes with all staff.

Focus on K-12Scope and Sequence

October 2023 School Board Meeting will include presentation