Procedures for Student Illness

Your School Health Room is staffed during school hours by a School Health Aide who provides basic care to sick and injured students according to Falls Church City Public Schools guidelines.

Sick Teen

  • If your child becomes ill during the school day and needs to be in the clinic for longer than 30 minutes, the parent or designated emergency contact will be notified to take the child home. If the principal or designee considers the situation an emergency, 911/EMS will be called, and parents notified.

  • It’s critical that parents keep work, home and emergency contact information current. If your phone number, email or street address changes, notify the school registrar.

  • If your child has a rash, please check with your physician to make sure that it is not contagious before sending them to school. Please notify the school if it is contagious.

    Students with undiagnosed rashes will be sent home from school.

  • A sick child does not learn well, so please keep sick children home. When calling the Attendance Line at your child's school, provide specific symptoms as FCCPS is monitoring illnesses in the schools.

  • A child with a fever over 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea should be kept home for 24 hours after the symptoms subside so that they do not expose other children and the school staff to their illness.